By completing the below, you acknowledge and agree that this information is being collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.A., 2000 for the purpose of administering the CK Employer – Speaker Directory. This directory will help local schools connect with Chatham-Kent employers willing to engage students on career exploration information, for local talent pipeline building. This directory lists how employers can engage with students by identifying their talent attraction needs, availability and preferred interaction methods (i.e. videos, workplace tours, in-class speaker sessions, web stories).
The contact information and participation availability you provide below will be shared with Lambton-Kent District School Board, St. Clair Catholic District Board, Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence, Chatham-Kent Community Leadership Cabinet and Municipality of Chatham-Kent Community Attraction and Promotion division. School and/or municipal representatives may contact you to connect your business and talent needs to students.
Questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of this information should be directed to the Chatham-Kent Municipal Clerk at 519-360-1998.
Thank you for your interest to connect with local schools and students to provide real world workplace experiences that enrich career education classes and showcase local in-demand careers.
An email will be sent shortly confirming that you have been added to an internal directory of employers, and that your contact information will be shared with local school boards at the beginning of each month.
An Experiential Learning Teacher will contact you to discuss next step to start engagement opportunities, such as creating videos, hosting workplace tours, giving in-class presentations, and sharing digital stories with the local students.
If you do not receive an email within one business day, please resubmit your information in this form and ensure your email address is typed correctly.